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Ubicación: Ecatepec de Morelos, Estado de México

Estatus: Terminada

Parque Bicentenario


Ubicación: Heroica Nogales, Sonora

Estatus: Construido

The project is part of a public program posed by the Ministry of Urban, Territorial and Agricultural Development, where around 300 poor districts of Mexico are being intervened with the scope of creating better life quality. As one of the teams of professors working on these projects at the School of Architecture of UNAM*, we were asked to design a park in the hill town of Nogales, Sonora, which lies in the Mexico-US border and that has recently expanded with informal settlements. The plot, apparently void during the dry season, dramatically floods for eight months/year. Through an escape valve and a system of geometrically set, stone gabion retention walls, water is controlled, permitting temporary flooding to happen in spaces that otherwise serve as playgrounds.
Water is treated as an asset in this desert town, making it become the heart of the neighborhood. Mimicking Indian step wells, the new stone conformed water border makes people to get closely involved with water while keeping them safe.
As an iconic part of the project, framing the water body, a multi-use space is being built. It serves as the entrance, lookout and transition between the main street and the public space. On the urban side, it is preceded by a slanted plaza that serves as an open-air theatre. On the water side, the building creates a portico for both contemplation and shadow.
The project introduces endemic, desert vegetation. The space will be used as a refugee to preserve local species that are unique to the region.

Parque en el Represo Colosio


Ubicación: Tijuana, Baja California

Estatus: Construido

Parque Xicoténcatl


Ubicación: Xolox, Estado de México

Estatus: Construido

Renovación centro histórico de San Lucas Xoloc


Ubicación: Iztapalapa, Ciudad de México

Estatus: Construido

El parque Hídrico Quebradora surge como la primer propuesta de una Acupuntura Hidrourbana y consiste en convertir la capacidad de infiltración del predio en un hito de buen manejo del agua a través de  4 niveles: infraestructura, parque, ciudad y mirador. Estas estrategias puntuales hacen posible una gestión del agua sustentable dentro de la Cuenca de México.

Parque hídrico “La Quebradora” en colaboración con la UNAM


Ubicación : Iguala, Guerrero, Mexico

Estatus : Construido

Remodelación las plazas centrales en Iguala


Mariposario en Papalotla, Edo. Mex.


Parque lineal los Héroes TECAMAC